For the most part I conform to all the rules that gardening
demands. I don't plant trees that grow to big near buildings, I apply
fertilizer to my lawn in the spring and fall and I keep my pruners nice and
clean! What a good gardener I am.
However, on the
subject of plants I stray from the recommended and start to push my luck with
what I'm told will grow here. I know it frustrates my boss, resulting in
phone calls regarding my latest shipment of shrubs I've brought in but life can be a bore if you stick to the rules. I
have been pleasantly surprised with some of my successes while also proven overly bold with others, (RIP Indian Hawthorn). At least with my experimentation
I've learned what will work so that I can tell customers as well as what to steer clear of.

Just recently I
managed to acquire at beauty that was familiar to me back in
England, to road test here in
Virginia, Ceanothus 'Blue Jeans' or
California Lilac. It’s listed as a zone 8 but recommended as the most
adaptable of all the west coast Ceanothus. Potentially a large fella with
a combined height and spread measuring 6ft in any direction the light blue
flowers set against glossy miniature holly-like foliage would have tempted
anyone to squeeze one in somewhere. Of course like any serious gardener I
have to play musical chairs moving plants around to accommodate new acquisitions.
Then those plants evicted need new homes leading to a new others being
shuffled around too. I consider my garden to be of 'fluid design' or 'evolving' as my taste and intentions change. Thank god I back onto a
relatively boring common area to give a last chance to the displaced although
some have made it back with a promise that it will not happen
Although this plant was given as a sample, my
other boss (one cannot have to many bosses) claims that nothing in live is free.
Too true a word spoken as my clay soil will need to be cultivated to
provide the Ceanothus with adequate drainage. Soon it will become a $20
plant in a $50 hole if you place a value on it. Still the potential sweet
taste of victory, should I succeed, will be priceless in bragging rights if any of
my bosses even know what a Ceanothus really is!