COMMON NAME | None known |
TYPE | Orchid |
FAMILY | Orchidaceae |
genus of over 200 species. This popular genus has pseudobulbs with one or two
pleated leaves. These pseudobulbs vary in size and are mostly of an ovoid
shape and can be closely or widely spaced on the rhizome. The leaves may also
be closely spaced or far apart. The genus was described by Lindley in 1825.
In reference to the hollow stigmatic area on the column, he named the genus
from two Greek words: koilos (hollow) and gyne (female). |
GEOGRAPHIC REGION | India, China, Indonesia and the Fiji islands |
HABITAT | Epiphytes
growing in tropical lowland forests to montane rainforests. A few species
grow as terrestrials or even as lithophytes in open, humid habitats. |