COMMON NAME | Cattleya orchid, corsage orchid |
TYPE | Orchid |
FAMILY | Orchidaceae |
NOTES | For a
long period, a Cattleya corsage was a prerequisite for any special occasion. Large fragrant blooms are the
signature of this classic orchid. It is a sympodial orchid which means that
it grows pseudobulbs along a central horizontal rhizome. Each year a Cattleya
orchid will grow one or more new pseudobulbs from which the bloom for that
season will come. A Cattleya will not bloom on old pseudobulbs yet those
pseudobulbs will provide strength for the plant. There are around 120 recognized species
within the genus with far too many hybrids to count. This also includes Nothogeneric crosses
between different genera i.e. Laeliocattleya
= Cattleya × Laelia |
GEOGRAPHIC REGION | From Costa Rica south to Argentina |
HABITAT | Epiphytic
or terrestrial orchids |