Scaevola taccada
COMMON NAME | Naupaka or Beach
Cabbage |
TYPE | Shrub |
FAMILY | Goodeniaceae |
NOTES | One of the most
widely used of all native plants for commercial and residential landscapes in
Hawaiʻi. A dense, thicket-forming, evergreen shrub that typically grows in a
rounded but spreading mound to 3-10' tall and to 6-15' wide. Branches will root where they touch the
ground, which means this aggressive shrub can spread easily, and can be, in
the right circumstances, a good shrub for erosion control. Seeds are spread
by birds and by water (seeds are buoyant). Glossy bright green leaves (to
6" long) are obovate (broad rounded tips). |
GEOGRAPHIC REGION | Indo-Pacific Basin |
NATIVE HABITAT | Typically found
growing close to the water on sandy or rocky soils exposed to salt spray. |