Pandanus tectorius
COMMON NAME | Tahitian screwpine,
hala tree, Pandanus, and pu hala in Hawaiian |
TYPE | Tree |
FAMILY | Pandanaceae |
NOTES | Pandanus tectorius is
a small tree growing 20 to 30 feet in height and from 15 to 35 feet in
diameter. It has distinctive long blade-like leaves (lau hala) about 2 inches
wide and over 2 feet long. The leaves are spirally arranged towards the ends
of the branches and leave a spiral pattern on the trunk when they fall.
Pandanus tectorius trees develop support or prop roots (ule hala) at the base
of the trunk and sometimes along the branches. |
GEOGRAPHIC REGION | Australia, Malay peninsula, Indonesia,
Philippines, New Guinea, southeastern Asia |
NATIVE HABITAT | Coastal areas with
oceanic conditions |